Media Gallery
Media Gallery
Media Gallery
Media Gallery
Media Gallery
Media Gallery
Media Gallery
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What We Offer
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Call us today
You're in luck, because you just found YOUR Home Away From Home.
...For over 14 years, Home Away From Home Adult Medical Day Care has provided medically-based Adult Day Care to adults who desire social and structured activities during their days outside their home.
...In 2016, we expanded to include a program now called Beyond 21 - designed to meet the needs of adults with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities who require medical supervision.
Our modern facility has 15,000+ square feet and includes:

Beautiful Fall Day

Are you or your loved one bored? Stuck at home and doing nothing?

ping pong and billiards tables

security cameras in every room

beautician/barber shop - free


multilingual staff,
social workers
and activity staff

large movie screens

outdoor seating areas
- sunny and shaded

full scale internet-cafe with high speed access

Activities area

on-site medical staff

horticultural area